Monday, September 22, 2008

Mom Thoughts

Today the kids tumbled off the bus and were SO pumped about school.
"It was great! It was more than great! It was fantastic!"
While polishing off an entire box of mac and cheese, three turkey franks, and a half a jar of pickles- they took turns sharing the things that happened. Mackenzie has inherited Grandma Sandgathe and Mommy's gift of remembering songs, and usually has a new one each day that she sings to all of us. It is pretty impressive. After lunch I gave them some new socks and underwear I had picked up at the store and you would think it was Christmas Day! They were yelling and running around, "Thanks mom! I love these mom! These are so great! Can I try them on? Look! Look!" Anyway, it was so cute I had to laugh at their exuberance.

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