Sunday, June 21, 2009


Cutie Pie Mase
Sweet Kenz
Silly Laney
L & Me
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Pretty MJT
Look at Mason's eyebrow!

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Father's Day Hike

Team Talbott at their zaniest!

Northwest Wildlife.
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Friday, June 19, 2009

Kindergarten Celebration

Mackenzie won an award for being "Most Dependable". Ms. Kraft said whenever she had a substitute teacher she would tell them to ask Mackenzie if they needed anything.
Laney liked the ice cream!
Mackenzie and Ms. Kraft
I've got a first grader now!
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Field Day

I think Laney enjoyed it!

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Sunday, June 14, 2009

End of the Year

Mason's last day of school is Wednesday, Kenzie's is next Tuesday. Luke was out tonight with the community group guys so I thought I'd poll them at dinner about their year of school.

Favorite country studied:
Mason: Africa
Kenz: Antarctica

Favorite specialty:
Kenz: PE

Favorite Book read at school:
Mason: Stellaluna
Kenz: Bear's New Friend (because they find mole and owl and it is so happy)

Favorite taste test:
Mason: Dates

Thing you're most proud of:
Kenz: That I have a desk where I can practice all of my writing
Mason: That I always take care of Sierra (a disabled student in his class)

The conversation then deteriorated to favorite foods- chicken pot pie, favorite parties- Halloween, etc.

Cool kids.

Swimming Lessons

Mackenzie and Mason are taking to the water like old pros- perhaps a benefit of starting them later. They loves their lessons; and are in a class of 3 kids! This was the morning of a marathon on to find out.

I was trying to entertain Laney and keep her from throwing herself into the pool. After snacks and finger puppet games- I resorted to the camera. I think her expression says it all!
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Bike Rodeo

The annual bike safety fair is a family favorite. This year was no exception; with lots of safety courses, activities, and fun!
Police volunteers helping them to learn the rules of the road.

This was also Luke's first Compass Outdoor Adventures formal presence in Snoqualmie. Here with Greg and their cool new banner with logo, etc. It was a great day for them as well.
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More Bike Rodeo

Here's Kenz with her BFF Haley. We didn't see them at the bike rodeo- but you should have heard the girls screaming when they realized they had picked the same face paint design (out of 30+ choices) without even consulting one another.
Laney on the playground.
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Gymnastics Performance

Proudly displaying her medal.

Kenzie has a great aptitude for gymnastics- she is strong and flexible, and should she decide to continue, will be a good little athlete.
On the tumble track.
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Thursday, June 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Grandma!

Laney wanted to wish Grandma a Happy Birthday tomorrow, June 5. We hope you have a wonderful day!!!
Love, Erin, Luke, Mason, Mackenzie, and Delaney
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9 Years Ago...

We got married! And had lots of babies, and did lots of fun things, and moved around the country, and have been blessed with a wonderful marriage the whole time. We celebrated with a very fun evening where I lost (AGAIN) at the annual rummy game (year count 6-3), and then we headed to Safeco to watch the Mariners win in the bottom of the ninth inning (symbolic?) with the bases loaded and a full count.
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Visit from the Queen

Mason's preschool class has been studying Europe and "Tea with the Queen" was the culminating activity. Here you can see them using Ms. Suzanne's good china and practicing their manners.
They also learned how to waltz. Mason and his partner dancing!
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