Friday, October 31, 2008

Kindergarten Visit

Doesn't she look old? Mommy, Mason, and Delaney crashed the Kindergarten Harvest Party on Halloween morning. We met Kenzie's new school friends and got to play games in her classroom.
Mason could've been a kindergartner- honestly. I was so impressed how well he followed all of the instructions. Any concerns I may have had about next year are gone. "Put your finger on your nose if you're listening..."
Here's Laney also trying to follow directions on how to play bingo with candy corn. (She is actually trying to figure out how to reach the candy corn in the center of the table!)
Happy Halloween Everyone!
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More Harvest Party

Our math whiz!
Delaney climbed into the backpack cubbies.
Mouths full of fruit; but focused!
Oooooh, we have this book!
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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Oktoberfest Pix

I'm a little late on this post- but we did have a great time last weekend at our friends Oktoberfest party. There were races, events, chili and pie competitions, hayrides, a bonfire, etc. It was amazing! Here are a few shots.
Sack racers
Kenzie and I won second place!
Laney doin' a dance.
My big man Mase.
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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Playing With Laney

We were wrestling around on the rug this morning and I took some pix.

Do we look related? I look funny because I'm holding the camera out in front of us. Girl time!
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I forgot these...

Here's a cute pix of Grandma and the kids before a hike on the trail.

Also Grandma brought apples from their trees and made caramel apples with the kids- YUMMY!
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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Aren't These Funny?

Here are some pictures of Mackenzie on the Monkey Bounce thing at Salmon Days last weekend. She waited in line SO patiently for almost an hour. It was worth it!!!

She even managed a few backflips.
Nothin' but feet!
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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Issaquah Salmon Days

Here's mommy finishing up the 10K race-
I was even smiling and waving! Improved by more than 1 min per mile since the 10K in September. 8 weeks until the 1/2 marathon...
Thanks Mom and Dad and Luke and Team Talbott for cheering me on!
After the race we went to the Salmon Days festival- here the kids are making fish paintings that turned out beautifully! Hopefully Grandpa will send some pix of Kenzie jumping on the Monkey Bounce. Remlinger AND Salmon Days made it a crazy festival weekend!
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Remlinger Farms

Grandma and Grandpa treated everyone to a very fun morning at Remlinger Farms on Saturday. The little kids loved it; and so did the big kids!
Look how cute Daddy looks on the roller coaster!
Trapped in the ferris wheel cage.
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More Fun

Aren't they cute?
Mason riding "Cucumber"
Mackenzie riding "Kale"
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riding the train
grandpa, daddy, and the team bouncin' it out
me n mom
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Hay Maze

Here's the big pit you can jump in....
Kenzie racing in to save Delaney- lost in the maze!
Rescue mission complete.
Grandma feeding the birds... um, I mean grandchildren kettle corn.
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